Sunday, May 1, 2011

Next Stop - Stupidsville

As time goes by I find myself enjoying longer stretches of feeling pretty good. The longer I feel pretty good the more confident I become. The more confident I become the more likely I am to jump on the train to Stupidsville! This usually happens when I start to convince myself that maybe, just maybe the doctor misdiagnosed me and I really don't have Meniere's. Maybe it was just a lengthy virus and now it has disappeared. Yes that's what it was - a misdiagnoses and a virus  - and now I am cured! Hallelujah!    

So forget about the low sodium diet, screw the routine, so what if I miss the odd dose of that diuretic, sure I can do 60 minutes on the treadmill (half of that jogging), so what if I let myself get exhausted, who cares if I stay up til 2am. I'm back to normal and I can do whatever I want,  whenever I want and however I want, because I am cured! 

Within 48 hours of this reckless behavior I am well on my way to Stupidsville. The five pound lead ball is now rolling around in my head, my body has a magnetic pull to the right, all sounds are amplified 100x, the tinnitus is louder than a heavy metal rock band and the brain fog is so thick that no thought can land safely. Then I start making my deals with God. Yes it is amazing how religious one can become when you feel like  you are being continually hit over the head with a 2x4. Well in the end the only thing that helps is a good sleep and a return to my Meniere lifestyle. It can take up to a week for me to get back on track at which time I make a vow to myself to never stray from the path of wellness again. Even with that said, I still get the urge to buy that train ticket for one more trip to Stupidsville. 

1 comment:

Dizzydooty said...

It does get better, I promise. I've had this beast more than 15 years, and finally my trips are fewer. Who knows though, I had a drop attack today, so I'm likely not in my right mind.